Pharma & Food Application 


occurs when the frequency of bowel movements decreases. This is often due to a change in diet or routine, inadequate fibre intake, medication or illness.

Lactulose is a useful laxative in the treatment of chronic constipation in adults and geriatric patients: Sugar metabolism in the colon produces a laxative effect by increasing gas formation and osmolality in the intestine, leading to a decrease in transit time and intraluminal pH, which has a positive effect on constipation.

The frequency of bowel movements varies greatly from person to person. If you experience severe pain, notice blood in your stools or suffer from constipation for longer than three weeks, you should consult your doctor.


Portosystemic Encephalopathy

also known as Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE), is a neuropsychiatric syndrome that can occur in patients with liver disease. It occurs when neurotoxins, such as ammonia, which are normally metabolised in the liver, bypass the liver and cross the blood-brain barrier. The accumulation of neurotoxins in the brain leads to cognitive and psychomotor impairments.

Lactulose is used as an adjunct to protein restriction and supportive therapy for the prevention and treatment of Portosystemic Encephalopathy (PSE) including hepatic precoma and coma.

The reduction of the ammonia concentration in the blood is accompanied by a significant improvement in the patient's mental state. Lactulose inhibits ammonia production in the intestine and prevents the absorption of glutamine and its conversion into ammonia.


Food Application

Lactulose has been recognized to have a relationship with health.

Approved Health Claims:

  • Lactulose contributes to a reduction in intestinal transit time (EFSA)
  • Lactulose promotes properties and beneficial effects on the digestive system (Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, India, China)